Saturday, October 28, 2017


Has something ever happened to you that you can't even belive it's real.
Something so out of the blue that it literally takes your breath away.
A gesture so magnificent that there are no words to describe my shock at it.

I try to be someone who doesn't  complain over much.
The past few months  have been filled with relearning how to live.
Taking the bull by the horns and hanging on for what feels like for dear life.

The familiar  pace of just getting it done is back.
Just getting it done day by day and knowing that everything is going to be alright.
The going to be alright part is the hardest to believe.
There are times I feel so so overwelemed and then out of the blue comes hope.

My son said to me a few weeks ago Mom send some of that energy  my way.
As I looked at him confused he said look at all you have done.
Pulling rabbits out of thin air, making lemonade out of lemons, finding that needle in the haystack.
That is what I have done.

Still it isn't easy but I do it with hope, faith and love in my heart.
Many moments of if only ... many more of self doubt.
Still I go on because failure is not an option.
Problems are not unsolvable there is always a way no matter what.

An then I am humbled  by this gesture.
I give out my heart to people with no agenda. 
I am that person you see who cares too much.
The person who really means it when they ask how are you doing.

Again in disbelief I cry tears that show I am the person I want to be.
My heart is full of  compassion and genuine love for the world around me.
The things lost to me are of no consequence they were like a thorn in my side.

I welcome being humbled it shows me I am not alone.
It shows me I am who I want to be.

So I thank you from all of my heart not just the bottom. 
Thank you my prayers go out to you unknown person.
You have restored the faith in me that was there all along.

Monday, October 9, 2017


The pool at work was closed for a few weeks for renavation.
  I am not the best self taught swimmer but I enjoy doing laps.
Having reopened I planned on getting back in the water last week.

 An aquaintance whom is in the health  profession was so happy to hear this.
He made me promise  I would really do this.
We'll I did go for my swim and enjoyed it very much.

He came in yesterday with his Father in tow I noticed the resemblance in the two right away.
His father and him had the same eyes and simular  smiles. 
Faces that anyone could see were so like the men themselves full of a boyish charm and the joy in life.

Upon taking care of what they needed a guest pass for the Father. 
 We spoke a bit and I comented on how alike they looked as well as how they acted.
Apparently the Father was a bit hard of hearing so I was asked to speak up when speaking to him.
Not certain if they were joking with me or not I and spoke up anyway.
They seemed like a tag team out to cause some mischief.

I told the son that I had indeed gone for my swim.
With a big smile on his face he came around to hug me. 
Me being me I never say no to a hug I got up to hug him back.
Hug given and taken I glanced behind him to find his dad with open arms ready for his hug.
  Not wanting to be a spoil sport I huged him also.  I was a bit taken by surprise at the hug itself. 

 It was a genuine  hug a pretty great one as hugs go.
 When it was over I was so taken by it that I myself went in for another one. 
 Have to say that those two hugs by this gentleman were the best non family hugs I have gotten in a very long time.
As I sat down I asked the elder how old he was 80 was his answer.

I was really taken by this older man's hugs. Gives me hope there is someone else out there who will hug me like this again.
 Hey if  I could would enjoy lunch with him at least.

The moral  of this is don't give up ever. And never never refuse  a hug you may be pleasantly  suprised.

Forever Gone

 Time is passing too quickly or too slowly I can't tell these days. Nights turn into quiet mornings planing nothing ,it's not in my ...