Monday, January 28, 2019
That letter once again
Yes that one who's draft I fished out of the trash.
when I realized its importance.
The one Mailed with two forever stamps with single
carnations and a heart each on them.
That letter that I wrote about again in a post
that somehow has disappeared.
Those 4 or 5 pages that held a long wished for
dream of unknown promise.
The one that knocks me on my ass still.
Its been 6 months what that letter has done
that in itself is a miracle.
Both writer and receiver of it are still in awe
of the mighty pen.
In awe of words that resonated and allowed
a dialog to open up our souls.
Old love new love lines crossed and some
that may never be.
It all is a slow frenzy to see how we can live
as is ,how we can love as is.
Love is what it found long put away to be
discovered now its time.
WE know not what we are doing but we
feel it so deeply.
Minds that seem to speak the same words
seem to hear the same music.
Laughter and tears both washing over
our hearts blessing us each day.
We will always be in Awe of it that love
letter that captured our hearts once again.
That letter that saved my soul by returning
me to a place the feels like home.
To a love I never imagined was real
after all.
Saturday, January 26, 2019
Pass too fast pass too slow always moving.
If you are moving why do I feel you standing still.
In a place I don't need to be I know now but still even so.
From the shock our soul still feels at their reconnection.
Giving us room to grow towards true radiant love.
Showing us no other view but what has always been.
But the blessing time had held for me is worth it.
Time my friend, my enemy, my fear and hope.
Don't pass too fast don't pass too slow just move along.
Sunday, January 20, 2019
Stay Away
Stay away my dear it is better this way.
Don't pick up that phone I can't listen to your voice.
Stay where you are not where I am.
Don't say those words that are not allowed.
Don't feel the pain the has taken residence in your heart.
Stay safe as you will in the illusion that gards your fear.
Don't awaken these are only dreams they cannot be real.
Stay safely inside where the real is not believed.
Stay there as long as need be you know what is.
Don't think feel what is true just be honest to you alone.
Stay confidant in what has been said and shared.
Don't let this all be in vain it may never come again.
Thursday, January 17, 2019
Suenos Dulces
Eres mi primer y ultimo pensamiento cada dia.
Te estrano y le pido a Dios que the bendiga y te proteja.
La Luna ,el Sol y las estrellas Han visto mis lagrimas que
caigan en mis labios que anhelan sus bessos.
Las nubes lloran juntos conmigo , han sentido mi dolor.
El viento me acaricia ya que tus Brazos no puden alcanzarme.
Te estrano pero puedo encontarte en nuerstos suenos.
Donde puedo tenerte cerca y besar tus labios.
Donde pudemos decir palabras de amor uno al otro.
Donde podemos recostarnos en los Brazos de los amores
y sentir su passion.
Suenos son todos que tenemos por ahora.
Dios sabe que desearia que se hicieran realidad.
Los suenos tan dulce en mi alma para simpre .
Otra vez para mi Vida mi Amor y mi Alma.
Forever Gone
Time is passing too quickly or too slowly I can't tell these days. Nights turn into quiet mornings planing nothing ,it's not in my ...
Time is passing too quickly or too slowly I can't tell these days. Nights turn into quiet mornings planing nothing ,it's not in my ...
That wasn't your voice that I heard on the phone. Where was the tenderness and care. Were you playing a part be in charge of the matter...
Hi I don't know if you will read this. At this point I can't even care who else does. I did not appreciate the tone of voice you too...