I have Angel's all around me literal ones.
They reside in my home surounding us.
Big, Little, old, modern ethereal they all are.
They have brought me hope for many years.
Maybe that's why I have so many,
I needed the hope.
I have come to see them in people as well.
That little boy who refuses to smile at me.
The older ladies who share their stories.
The teens who always need something,
and know to just ask.
My family and my friends, strangers all included.
My gift my empathy my compassion for care.
Yes I will remember your sick child and ask.
I'll ask after your family and about that book you hold.
This is who I am a gift I cherish from my beloved Angel's.
I look for no rewards because of this blessings alone.
Yet they seem to know when just when I need them.
Other hearts that see compassion and understand.
Yes that one person who feels as we do and inspires.
The once again proven fact that I am who I want to be.
That I am guided by Angel's in all I am and love.
My gifts are many my hope is strong I have Angel's
all around me.