Sunday, March 31, 2019


I have Angel's all around me literal ones.
They reside in my home surounding  us.
Big, Little, old, modern  ethereal they all are.
They have brought me hope for many years.
Maybe that's why I have so many,
I needed the hope.

I have come to see them in people as well.
That little boy who refuses to smile at me.
The older ladies who share their stories.
The teens who always need something,
and know to just ask.
My family and my friends, strangers all included.

My gift my empathy  my compassion for care.
Yes I will remember your sick child and ask.
I'll ask after your family and about that book you hold.
This is who I am a gift I cherish from my beloved Angel's.
I look for no rewards because of this blessings alone.
Yet they seem to know when just when I need them.

Other hearts that see compassion and understand.
Yes that one person who feels as we do and inspires.
The once again proven fact that I am who I want to be.
That I am guided by Angel's in all I am and love.
My gifts are many my hope is strong I have Angel's
all around me.

Friday, March 22, 2019

Something to ponder about

Send me something to ponder about.
It's not enough I eat it all up too quickly.
Every line every word full of those puzzles.
Amuse me with phrases so artfully written.
And you call me your poet?

What are  those thoughts that sit inside.
Gathered like  treasures to share.
Glimpes of reflected ideas sparked seen.
Seems familiar I've thought much the same.
I understand ,I know this yes I do.

Again amazed, wowed, wooed, understood.
Your mind as I Know it thus far draws me.
It reaches me with its incredible complexity.
Its hidden glimpes of what makes you you.
So keep me pondering enlighten me.

Sunday, March 17, 2019


Let the winds blow far and wide.
Let it clean my soul of this fear.
Let the rain wash over me  again
I feel ready to be free of this all.

Regain my footing seemly slipping away.
Nights spent in unslept distractions.
Worry my old friend creeps in to taunt me.
It got lonely out where I sent it ,its back.

Like a Storm it is trying to blow me away.
But this time I know better and face it my way.
Let me not forget the strength I have gained.
To be put to use for such as this night.

Let my slumber lull me when no one can.
For alone is how I learned to fight this fear.
Let the love I hold near see my effort to win.
And not let my my mind get swept away again.

Don't give in to the doubts words spoken.
Have taught me this storm brings hope.
So come do your best I will not hide.
To face it head on will bring me home again.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Unhurried Whispers

My mind cluttered with thoughts of you.
Here I am reflecting once again amused.
I am able to feel this imperfect happiness.
No one would understand at all but you.

That's all that matters, that we know.
Take,from me, let me give you strength.
Let me return all you are your light is bright.
You make me shine you showed me how.

Hope and home have arrived in you my dear.
They live  in sweet place that lies within me.
I feel you there constant as my heartbeat pulsing.
You are my first thought, my last thought every day.

You know  all this but there is so much more.
Things I keep inside for that someday to come.
Unimportant but never less for you alone to know.
To be spoken into your lips in unhurried whispers.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Beloved Yesterdays

I find myself looking back at my life quite often.
Maybe to refeel things and understand them now.
Its like living there sometimes looking in.
Trying to pinpoint those aha parts of my life.
Putting to rest those unresolved questions.

Days gone by unnoticed till they became memories.
The ones that made you laugh made me cry.
Saved in faded scenes dim to our eyes unclear still.
But the way we felt always tugging at our hearts.
Yesterdays that held smiles,tears and hope.

Those forays into the past have been so good for me.
They have brought my faith back to me again.
Shown me I am correct in what makes me shine.
Regardless of my fears life is caring for me.
Giving me unexpected gifts each and every day.

Looking back at yesterdays seeing the nows in them.
Laughing at those photos imprinted in my mind.
Seeing faces thought lost in anothers smiles.
Talking about how, which ,where and when.
Making today's be lived into beloved yesterdays.

Saturday, March 9, 2019

What i did for love

Love takes you over like nothing else ever can.
Its all consuming takes you where you dared not tread.
I am not speaking about lust another animal all together.
I speak of raw emotion naked to the core of ones soul.
It does exist I know all too well now its real.

It came with its own set of non rules to follow.
How can one accept what was the surprise of ones life.
That that Beautiful person could have had feelings for me.
The smile that had me mesmerized had a hidden cause.
Same smile that kept me wondering what if only.

I have gone and done something not on impulse.
Something to sooth my brain stop this nagging fear.
It wont kill this worry or this deep deep pain.
But it will ease my mind a bit because I will know.
I regret nothing in this I must protect myself

I ask not to be forgiven on this I hold my ground.
You have gifted me the right to love nothing hidden.
Yet there are things I cannot bear to imagine.
Losing you to the wind and never knowing how.
I reached out my love gave me the right on this.

I did it for love alone.


The photo of you I printed sits on a shelf in my room.
Where I can see it and smile at those sexy ageless eyes.
The very same ones that I have always known.
Pearcing gaze yet a quiet message behind it.
As if asking to be discovered at last.

It sits delivering comfort when my heart feels too much.
All I have of you in a tanagable way so sad.
But those eyes that follow me all around this room.
They keep me drawn to you with their hidden cries.
Still I'm uncertain who's cries they are yours or mine.

Those eyes of yours were printed in my memory.
The cause of our smile thought lost forever.
The cause of the smile we have revived.
Eyes I have loved eyes I love eyes that see me as is.
To be seen by them is all I ever need.

Monday, March 4, 2019

This Journey

This journey has been a long long one.
Measured in years, months and weeks all missed.
It wasn't mapped out for us just one step at a time.
Lives lived in fullness of fate and happenstance.
Of choices made in good faith filled with hope.

The world spun and time passed and we lived.
Our time here spent as we held our feet to the ground.
Trying to feel the joy the sensation of a good life.
Loving as we could praying this is real all along.
Lying to ourselves so lonelyness wouldn't win.

Who are we trying to place in front of ourselves.
Are we not worth a little self care self love.
Take that time and look at what lies ahead.
Is this what is left after all this time nothing.
Can we demand just one true thing to be real.

Dare we dream in colors that shine in bright lights.
Can we not say enough I have done my best.
Take time for you for me see what we already know.
Secure in each other in what this adventure holds.
This journey goes on but now we know the way.

Forever Gone

 Time is passing too quickly or too slowly I can't tell these days. Nights turn into quiet mornings planing nothing ,it's not in my ...