You came to me in another blurry encounter.
You came and knocked me on my ass again.
But this time you were there to catch me.
But then again you always were weren't you.
You came when you could here I am at last.
That smile on your face said what was needed.
Those arms the feel of you in mine no letting go.
Kisses that seared our lips and stirred our soul.
You looked at me with an unfamiliar gaze.
One I haven't seen directed at me before.
Your eyes said what your mouth couldn't.
I looked into them and knew oh God.
You came out of the pages and words of a Dream.
You read all my lines I could tell you knew the story.
The fairy tale of if only and someday that came true.
The one that has us reeling in disbelief and hope.
You swept us up into this world with just your smile.
Its power stronger than I had dared to hope for.
Its comfort overwelming me my eyes brimming again.
Unchecked down my cheeks tears of pure joy fell.
You came as if you were coming home welcome.
No invitation needed you belong here you knew.
A key not needed door wide open for you always.
Home is where we are come again I am here.