Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Patience is a Virtue...

Patience  is a virtue I wish I didnt need.
Some days I just want to scream "What The Hell".
Stop playing the peaceful, stop playing the calm.
Stop trying to understand the incomprehensible.

Patience is a virtue I wish I didnt have.
No I'm not that Sweetheart you profess I am.
Not that Wise Goddess that seems to know her Zen.
But a Woman who's tenacity is being tested.

Patience is a virtue I didnt know I needed.
No I dont want to grow up!
Yes "I'm a Dreamer and Not the only one."
My resolve my wait with out question.

Patience is a virtue is what they say.
I'll buy into  this and pray it will be okay.
That I dont lose my sanity, lose my breath.
Patience please please dont go away.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

My words

My words greet you in the morning.
Sent almost before my eyes are opened.
My brain remembers my dreams of you.
Waking is hard your not beside me again.

My words imagine time with you.
Simple conversations over a cup of coffee.
Watching the news in disbelief yet again.
Sharing memories of those years apart.

My words watch over you send my concerns.
Are you okay something seems  off ?
Sending my love and blessing yet again.
Hope you get to enjoy the beautiful day.

My words seduce you at least I try.
I Should be writing soft porn by now.
Hugs given and returned felt in the air.
Kisses thrown out to be caught in the night.

My words invite you to my dreams.
The realm where we can be us.
To the place we call our own eden.
Where we lay in each others embrace.

My words surround you with my devotion.
They say what my heart can stand to let go.
Too much and not enough at the same time.
Never at a loss for my words are  for you.


Te Amo

There all for you

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Eternal promises

Promises we made when we were still in the sky.
You know the ones our souls made long ago.
Part of each other always forever as one .
Let this world not understand them it matters not.

You and I are old old friends we dance in the light.
We sing from our hearts the same familiar songs.
We speak in a tounge native to ourselves alone.
We hide the pain that lurks in our shadows.

Promises we made still hold true remember.
I am here for you as you are for me I'm certain.
Say everything, love trust be open dont fear.
The devine kept our voices in its soft embrace.

Promises we made were not forgotten buried deep.
They live now this world this time this existence.
Our souls remember them vividly.
Those eternal promises we made in the sky.

Para Mi Mundo
I'm here for you


Forever Gone

 Time is passing too quickly or too slowly I can't tell these days. Nights turn into quiet mornings planing nothing ,it's not in my ...