Sunday, May 24, 2020

The Last Time

The last time I saw your smile was not so long ago.
Days, hours,minutes, seconds all measured.
Time with a name that is accurate Year.
The last time I saw your smile was not so long ago.

The last time I gazed into those eyes was not so long ago.
The glare of their Light looking right into me.
Branded by the honesty that you tried to hide away.
The last time I gazed into those eyes was not so long ago.

The last time I Kissed your lips was not so long ago.
Tasting your soul in a sweet dance of our mouths.
I ate you  up like honey fresh warm on my tongue.
The last time I Kissed your lips was not so long ago.

The last time that I held you was not so long ago.
Encircled in loves grasp and insanity we almost forgot.
Reason jumping away to where it was elsewhere needed.
The last time that I held you was not so long ago.

Saturday, May 9, 2020


The Unforgotten call to us .
The hushed whispered wishes still there.
The songs playing in our heads recall them.
The fluttering of  memory ever present.

I was with you all along you carried me.
In a safe place that I will never know. 
Somewhere that kept me alive for you.
Images,thoughts, feelings never fading.

The Unforgotten call to me.
The emotions undefined felt again.
The wonder of  you draws me in awe.
Anew and so familiar trusted cherished.

You were with me all along I felt you.
In my heart in a quiet corner mine alone.
Reminding me someday would come.
Finally telling me it had arrived.

The Unforgotten the past has its place.
Tomorrow has found its time.
Now is why, it was holding us to the other.
For today is the someday, the some how.


Forever Gone

 Time is passing too quickly or too slowly I can't tell these days. Nights turn into quiet mornings planing nothing ,it's not in my ...