The photo he sent me of his meal was a total surprise.
Where was that stuffed bird sitting on a tray.
Stuffing pouring out of orifices not ment to hold it.
Where were the golden mashed covered in gravy.
No string bean casserole, corn on the cob, no squash.
And let's not forget the pumpkin pies covered in whipped cream.
I thought thats kind of sacrilegious No Turkey At All.
Is this something I can live with I ask myself.
Is this a deal breaker can I live with this.
Sad fact he doesn't love that traditional meal.
The photo he sent clams,shrimp sausages in a pot.
Rice tomatoes seasoned to taste steaming hot.
I am certain it was so scrumptious and tasty as f..K.
But my allergies prevent even the slightest touch.
It's not that I choose not to eat it I can't,
For if I do there will be more than ants in my pants.
My face will turn red and I may even go into Schock.
Hope you enjoyed your meal but I still dont agree.
Now let's sit down to leftovers you eat your seafood.
As for me pass the Turkey please.