Monday, April 19, 2021

In the Evening

 Come to me in the evening when the day is at its end.

No need for conversation the words have all  been said. 

No idol chatter to fill in what is already known.

Time is not our friend it's  quickly passing by.

Come to me in the waining light as the night draws near.

I will greet you with that smile that you already own.

With open arms I embrace  you hold you oh so tight. 

You have no choice but to come to me in the night.

Come to me in the evening again like every time before. 

Scenarios that keep repeating in my thoughts replayed.

This time I set the stage of how I will have you all mine.

Lay with me upon my pillow where the memories remained.

Come to me my dearest, my love for life is passing by.

Touch me with your tender hands kiss me with those lips.

Let me taste every inch of you so slowly so divine.

Let's lose ourselves for what could be for the very last time.

Come to me in the evening as the sun will surely set.

Lovers for a life time in stolen moments of bliss.

Freedom in embraces and kisses all our own.

So come I wait to light a candle before the evening goes.

Come to me in the evening as day is at its end.

Te Amo Maestro 

Sunday, April 4, 2021

El Tiempo

 El tiempo no es mi amigo.

Me a robado a de tu Amor.

Los anyos  que an Paso.

Los dias Las noches solitarios 

Las houras  Los minutoes  perdido.

Parce  que hoy  passa lo Mismo.

Tantos dias que deso estar  con tigo.

Orta ves el tiempo esta tratando de ganar. 

Pero el tiempo no va a ganar  esta ves,

Por que el Amor siempre es el victor.


Forever Gone

 Time is passing too quickly or too slowly I can't tell these days. Nights turn into quiet mornings planing nothing ,it's not in my ...