Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Walking Cia

Walking my dog has been a learning experience.
Doing this is not an easy endeavor as would seem.
OK time to go out is a battle when it comes her.
A kind animal by nature she wouldn't hurt a fly.

Cia has been the sweetest of dogs all her life.
At 14 she has had to move with us at least 3 times.
Takes her a day or two to find her place her comfort zone.
But a place with no yard of her own confuses her.

The poor thing has lost the luxury of her own space.
This being said leashed walks now are a must.
Not that she played and ran around in the grass.
But the ownership of it she felt of it is gone.

Leash in had I call to what seems to be deaf ears.
Hand signals have become a much used tool.
I have to wave the leash in front of her so she understands.
She then perks up ready for what is out there.

As we start our walk I need to case the street first.
Looking all around in hopes of not seeing anything.
Seems like her revenge to no said yard is to BARK.
BARK at every thing from the wind to a fallen branch.

I can almost hear  her thinking get out of my yard.
Other dogs look at her perplexed look at Miss high and mighty.
We'll I never some seem to to say as they walk away.
Still she holds her ground growling as I reassure her.

Advoding any living or strange objects is part of the game.
Taking mini shortcuts even walking behind bushes helps.
We never seem to walk in a straight line.
But her favorite spots are all  visited nonetheless.

Once there was a toddler with her Grand father walking.
I spied them and tried to distract her from seeing them.
She saw them and started barking at them I was mortafied.
The baby just laughed at her barks and Cia just melted.

Cia seeing her loud bark had no  affect  looked at the child.
Puzzled she barked at a lower octave as the laughter continued.
I was speechless at the scene a child had tamed her.
The dog herself seemed enchanted by this small person.

Try as I might I have given up trying to calm her.
Now I just shout out to people She's old she means no harm.
They just smile or nod and quickly go on their way .
BARK if you must just hurry up and go already.

There Is an art to walking this dog.
The thing is her and I have found a balance of sorts.
I am her wing person she is the hunter in this.
BARK if you must old girl let's just walk a little more.

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