Friday, September 21, 2018


I was amazed when I checked on this blog 51.
That's the number of post I have written thus far.
I have a lot to say  it has transfered to my Blog.
Yes most can seem like ramblings of ideas wished for.
Some are pointed messages to ground me to remind me.
Life is full of possibilities share them if you can.

I started this as a way to have my say to be heard.
I've written of the good the bad and the miriacles.
The funny the sad and the mundane of me.
In a way I hope whomever reads it is touched by it.
That they can laugh or cry at the amazing thing called living.

Life is not made by us as much as we try to steer it.
It is full of OMG moments it is full of random acts.
You can plan your days around nessairy agendas.
But the times you recall can be what it's really about.
Times we let it just happen with results unplanned.

Just think about it we don't very much at all Think.
We just go with the flow daring not to swim against the tide.
Imagine feeling inspired enough to go the other way.
Finding that it can be done that there is a way.
INSPIRATION is the key comformity be dammed.

I am no expert but I think people who are depressd are lost.
They must feel they have no voice are not heard.
Embarrassed their thoughts sadden them
Feeling normal emotions all jumbled up confused.
Help being needed to dig out of the hole we fall into.

Now envision being able to say it all let it out.
That is what this blog has done for me Freed me.
Unfolding in paragraphs and pages of emotions.
My world my way my decisions my mistakes I own them.
Letting it all be seen and heard has enlightened me.

I  was inspired by pain I felt at the start of this.
I had not lived my life well it had lived me instead.
No plan on what would come out no clue what I was doing.
Then I turned and went another way I found my Joy.
I found it in the telling of my deepest  true self .

Thoughts experienced actions taken Bravery found.
My views seen at last by my eyes on a page.
Allowing ,sharing hopefully inspiring and  healing.
Taking time listening to other needing to be heard.
Knowing this small acts worth to them is priceless.

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