Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Amazing Grace

This is my favorite hym it tells about being lost and found.
I'm tired as many of us are with the heavy load we all carry.
The lives we lead of busy,  of silence just to survive it.
Can we speak our minds in truth can we find ourselves.
It is important that we do so we can find our personal grace.

Feeling lost for most of this life is what makes us wonder.
Some of us never dare to seek look for our salvation.
Look for the happiness that is out there to be had.
Oh its a quest full of windmills  disguised as dragons.
Imagine the lunacy the satirical hunt for that impossible dream.

Must we keep both feet on the ground at all times to steady us.
Could that ground not bend and meet our steps like sand.
Meeting each step we take with a gentile give .
Not letting us fall on our trek through this life we live.
Giving way to roads to be explored till the day we die.

Grace is what saves us from the disappointed souls we keep.
Afraid to be our selves playing at living not seeing the possibility.
Its there it's frightening just before your eyes to see.
Blind to the world hinting but not giving freely of its light.
One must grasp it quickly before it runs never to be held.

Hold it to yourself and never let it go again.
No matter the finial cost the final blow that will not kill.
Fear has flown away and nothing is as it seemed to be .
Sing that hallelujah praise the Lord and his angels in full voice.
This melody is music to happiness in truth it will be sung.

Voices lending their cries to victory of meaning to ourselves.
Not to sleep in darkness but see the light beyond.
To gaze upon sweet admissions of life of truth of love.
Belive that this can happen it will free the dark.
And let the light I call grace bring  peace to the heart.

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