Today seems like it's going to be a good day.
Things are becoming crystal clear before my eyes.
Fighting with myself for nothing will not happen today No.
I have Dreams and it's ok that life isn't following their scripts.
The real world changes them thats what living is unpredictable.
Many dreams I have had in life funny some have come true.
When I was a kid we would travel from the Bronx on school trips.
The bus would head away from all the grime and grit of the city.
We would travel to places like Sleepy Hollow or Avon in Ct.
The air was so pristine , small houses , open sky beauty all around.
I fell in love with this over and over again it was all a wonderland to me.
Someday I would wish I'm going to live someplace like this
I had no clue how but this was one of my dreams get out of the city.
Maybe I belived that being in such surroundings would make my life better.
Seeing what a dull existence my world had to offer I lived in my dreams.
Other simular dreams also formed what life should be for me.
Always for happiness and the perfect life borrowing who I wanted to be.
Life doesn't allow for our version of hopes it gives us what it wants to.
Yes you can work your ass off trying but it's all a toss of the dice.
Come on snake eyes come on number eight shake em blow em toss them .
You get whatever you get sometimes you get that gold if you are lucky.
New dreams are there for me now ones that scare me as well as excite me.
Possibilities still full of can this really be ,can I do this , yes it can be done.
Inspiration a notion so new to me support also new WoW a word I use often now.
Humbled in a way that brings out the best in me the hidden fire in me.
I get lost I falter one step front one step back at least I am moving.
Thinking can I make this new dream real I would love this I just have to try.
You may think you know what it is but your wrong self growth is what it is.
Dare to live it ,put work in ,it dive in ,I can do it I know I can .
So watch out world Dreams can be made real even new ones.
My Dream of love, my perfect life, didn't turnout as scripted in my head.
Words have taken over my un answered ones letting them have their say.
On page or screen they live they died and have risen like smoke into the air.
Expressing Hope, fear, regret, love and so much more waiting for a turn.
Letting them all have their say is my Dream being lived at last.
You can rewrite your Dreams you can see beyond the horizon.
Look at the visions in a whole new way see the blessings .
Let life wake and be as beautiful as a soul would wish.
Love the world again it has given you itself.
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