Sunday, May 12, 2019


Some days are just too much for me.
Some days I want to sit and just wallow.
I cant  turn away from it when it comes for a visit .
I have to let this sadness in or it lingers outside.
Come in uninvited guest let's get this over with.

There is only so much bravado I can show the world.
There is only so much stregenth in me to share.
I can use great hugs I can use to give some back.
I need just to cry those tears I hide bravely.
The ones that live in the corners of my mind.

This being strong catches up with me all at once.
This missing my heart , my soul, my love is hard.
Being strong is not easy put on that face every day.
Smile and say I'm ok again and again and again.
But the act does help, pretend its doable you know how.

Some days I have to wallow feel the sadness again.
Some days are just that way just ride the wave it will pass.
Let the tears at least I hope they do wash away this agony.
Its happend before now I know tomorrow  will be better.
But today doesn't seem to be that day so I wallow in it again.

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