Monday, February 25, 2019

Words I long to hear

There are words I long to hear.
I have imagined them in my head.
I have wished for them to come.
I have played the scene in my heart,
too too many times.

There are embraces I want to give.
My arms empty day after day.
Longing like none I have ever felt.
An ache so consuming it pulses my need.
Come let this end in our embrace.

There are dreams I want to live.
With us united in this great world.
This lonely life we have lived gone at last.
You beside me day and night living.
The good the bad all in at last.

There is love we Have discovered.
Forbidden but oh so deep and real.
All we can do is feel and bask in its grace.
I know you were my Destiny at last.

The world we made cannot digest this.
This connection of our souls our hearts.
Vows made Vows Broken Vows still kept.
Nothing can sever this thread between us.
But there are still words I long to hear.

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