Sunday, February 3, 2019

Solitary Dream

I feel blocked my brain doesn't understand this.
Is this the you and I which exist only in my head.
The story too real to be true but is.
Did this really happen to me to us.
Or is this my solitary dream.

I feel you I don't have to swear on it you know.
The air around me carries your essance.
As if the breaths  you have released
have found their next victim.
You haunt me in all consuming blissful way.

I have said this before I pray this each day.
I will repeat this with love not any thing else.
I give you all I feel for you I pray you know.
The vast emotions that you bring out in me.
The misty eyed thoughts of luck with no odds.

I pray you also know this my soul says you do.
In puzzles we seek to find each other in rymes.
In my written words, in the blessings you send.
In good day and good night ,in smile, in TQM, in ditto.
We send it out to each other every day we reach.

Is this all one sided am I just that lunatic I play.
Can the devine and god  be so kind to give me my due.
Has my soul been awakend to reality at last.
Are you seeing the same view right in front of your eyes.
Or is this just all my solitary dream.

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